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Indoors // お家で遊ぶ
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Usually we try to spend time outdoors as much as possible, but now we are supposed to stay indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that most stores are closed, even parks that usually are empty are now filled with people. Even taking a little walk is not as easy as it should be. Some days we spend fully indoors, some days outdoors – usually the whole day, because we go further from home, closer to greenery. The deeper we go into the forest, the less do we meet people. And the more we can enjoy the nature – the scents, the voices, with all our sences. After a few days spent indoors, I love to see how fresh air and nature makes the kids so relaxed and happy.
Nowadays my kids want to carry their own bags everywhere (they do it when playing at home too – pack a bag and travel to another room.) My daughter's new favourite is the Baby backpack from Mato by MARLMARL. Its so light, and the straps can be freely adjusted, so it fits to her back so well and never gets in her way when she's playing and running around. It's perfect for summer, as the straps won't get hot and sweaty. Usually the kids bring a book (about insects and plants) and toy binoculars.
What's so great about the bag, is that by adjusting the straps it can be used as a shoulder bag – a baby bag that can be used for years and years by the whole family! (And that is so helpful when the child falls asleep and has to be carried...That happens.)
So, the coronavirus has stopped everything, crashed our plans of this year, and no one knows how long will this last. But at least we can seize the moment, enjoy these days together and have hope for tomorrow! I hope everyone is staying safe and sane, and have an opportunity to safely get some fresh air every now and then – it really soothes the soul.
子供達は最近バッグを持って、旅行や仕事に行く遊びがブームになっています。(荷物を持って、子供部屋と寝室の間を何度も往復する毎日ですが、とても楽しそうです。) 外では虫や植物の名前などを調べたりできるように、バッグには図鑑と双眼鏡を入れています。
娘のお気に入りはMATO by MARLMARLのベビーリュック。とても軽くて、ストラップが自由に調整できるので走ったり遊んだりする時でも邪魔にならないし、暑い季節でも気持ちよく背負えそうです。ストラップを引っ張れば大人のリュックとサコッシュになるので、家族で長年使えるのが嬉しいです。(子供がお出かけ先で寝てしまった時にも助かりますね! )